
Prophet Alec’Dair D. Scott​

Meet The Founder & CEO

Prophet Alec’ Dair D. Scott

Passionate About Inspiring, Instructing and Imparting Into Others!

In December 2012, Alec’Dair Scott Global was founded and established in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Upon this announcement, the Holy Spirit chose and called this General of Prayer with a global prayer ministry. In 2014, Prophet Alec’ launched Guardians of The Gates Global Prayer Ministry (G3PM) and The Prayer Gathering Movement. 

The “I’m On Guard” Ministry Movement toured throughout the state of Louisiana and the nation hosting a series of Prayer Gatherings, where Prophet Alec’ trained, equipped, and released the people of GOD and their ministries into the next dimensions of prayer and intercession. 

As the visionary and founder of ADS Ministries and G3PM, Prophet Alec’ has impacted communities, cities, states, and this nation with Intercession with an Impact. Prophet Alec’ is a firm believer in serving, giving back, and demonstrating the loving Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Prophet Alec’ served faithfully as the Executive Pastor of Destiny Faith Christian Center, Clinton, LA; Faith Empowerment, Denhim Springs, LA and Kingdom Faith Global Worship Center, Slaughter, LA under tutelage of Prophetess- Dr. Claudette Marks. Being led by the Trinity, Prophet Alec’ and ADS Ministries are submitted under the Apostolic and Prophetic Leadership of Apostle Keith and Prophetess- Dr. Claudette Marks.

In July 2016, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, Prophet Alec’ relocated to Richmond, Virginia and planted The Refinement Center Global Assembly, Inc. in November 2016.  Once the Refinement Center Global Assembly, Inc. had been established, Prophet Alec’ begin to further advance his personal ministry and launched out into the marketplace and the media.In October 2017, Prophet Alec’ launched his first television talk show entitled, “THRUST” on CW Richmond. After being found faithful with the little, the Father provided a larger platform for THRUST to reach the masses.  In February 2018, THRUST expanded and joined the Comcast Channel and Verizon FiOS television broadcasting network. THRUST went from airing 1 day a week to 4 days a week and currently airs every Monday-Thursday at 7:30AM EST. 

Prophet Alec’ has planned and hosted several conferences, summits, prayer and prophetic boot camps, one day training intensives and prayer lock-ins. Prophet Alec’ travels extensively training and equipping leaders for service, intercession and in the prophetic.  He has authored several manuals, produced several prophetic declaration and prayer cd’s, developed numerous audio teaching and training series, and has designed a variety of conference t-shirts and paraphernalia.  Prophet Alec’ does not allow grass to grow under his feet, as he believes in being prudent, productive and proactive. 

Prophet Alec’ is accomplished in the realms of academia and faith. While Prophet Alec’ has distinguished himself, and attained several great accomplishments, certifications and honors, it is noteworthy that Prophet Alec’ has received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Family Consumer Sciences and a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication from Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In May 2019, Prophet Alec’ received a Master of Arts in Executive Leadership from Liberty University, in Lynchburg, Virginia.  

Presently, Prophet Alec’ is continuing to matriculate through the halls and corridors of academia as a candidate of doctoral studies. One of Prophet Alec’s most notable mottos is, “Create what you want to see by the proclamation of your mouth,” and Prophet Alec’s life and ministry both are true testaments of these words. 

In February 2019, Prophet Alec’ was affirmed and vested into the Office of Apostolic Prophet by the hand and seal of his leader, Prophetess Dr. Claudette Marks, Apostle Randall C. Furlow, Apostle Sherman D. Farmer, Overseer William Mebane, Prophet Jonathan P. McGee and with a quorum of notable apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers as witnesses. Prophet Alec’ is an emerging apostolic and prophetic voice with a global end time mandate to, “Help Mankind Return to the Divine Plan of GOD.”

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